How to Translate Care into Action

May 29, 2018


We all have ideas and issues we feel strongly about, but sometimes it’s hard to feel like we’re able to actually improve anything. It might seem like change is often bogged down in bureaucracy or tied up in political channels, but your passion is needed and your voice can make a real difference!


For instance, Cari Lightner was walking home with a friend when a drunk driver hit her from behind and killed her. At the time, in 1980, there were few legal consequences for driving under the influence of alcohol. In fact, the man who killed Cari had numerous alcohol related infractions and accidents on his record.


Devastated, Cari’s mother, Candy, established an organization to lead to stricter penalties for driving under the influence. She called her group Mothers Against Drunk Drivers (MADD), and was successful in getting legislation passed to treat drinking and driving as a serious crime and to increase the national drinking age to 21. In the ensuing years, The National Institutes of Health (NIH) estimated that at least 150,000 lives have been saved by a reduction in the number of drinking and driving incidents, and MADD still works as a nonprofit to support those affected by drinking and driving.


Candy’s story is evidence that fighting for what you’re passionate about can cause real, positive change. More importantly, anyone can do it. Before Candy started a grassroots movement to end driving while drunk, she had little experience in politics or social activism. In an interview with People magazine she even admitted that before founding MADD she hadn’t even been registered to vote. What Candy had was a desire to see change, and a hope that her actions would keep other people from experiencing the same grief and loss that impacted her.


We share this story with you, because while some people become inspired by their own experiences to get involved, many others don’t. They either feel unqualified to take a first step, or incapable of creating a movement loud enough to be heard. The great news is that you ARE qualified. We are all qualified to help make a difference.


Here are 4 simple acts that you can do to help make your town, city, region, country, and even the world a better place:




It might seem like you’re casting a pebble into the sea, but voting is one of the best ways to make a difference. We aren’t just talking about general elections, though of course those are extremely important, but local ones as well. Have you ever heard the expression ‘think global, act local’?  Change happens in increments, and like the butterfly effect, a small action can ripple out to affect more people and areas. Your local community is where you can make the most difference and change. Helping put the people in place to make sure this change is positive is up to you, so make sure you know when your local elections are taking place. Or better yet…




For local offices and community boards. If you know what needs to be done, and you see a way of helping to get the ball rolling, do it! You don’t have to have a degree in politics to run for office; you just have to have the leadership skills to work with other people to achieve change. Not everyone has the time, what with work and family responsibilities, but if you do, what could be better? Jump in. Present your ideas and motivation to the community, and if people like what they hear, you are one step closer to having great influence in your community. If this doesn’t make sense for you, then another thing you can do is…




Knowledge is power, and keeping abreast of what’s happening around you is critical. You know that one of our favorite examples is Hawaii’s recent bill to ban harmful sunscreens from damaging coral reefs. The scientific evidence was clear that the sunscreen chemicals oxybenzone and octinoxate were contributing to the destruction of the coral reefs. Instead of waiting for more support, Hawaii was the first to act. Though being the first can feel like a scary, impossible task, we need to set a precedent. Now that it’s been done in one state, we hope that others will follow Hawaii’s lead. In order for that to happen, we have arrived at the final point… 




New ideas often cause contention, and contention can spark innovative compromise, so don’t back away from seeking out conversations with those whose opinions differ from yours. Most importantly, don’t back down from fighting for what is right. Voice your opinions, endorse facts, and keep fighting for justice!


We are fighting with you! Together there is no limit to what we can achieve, and there’s no better time to begin than now.

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