Introducing Coral Care. The first sunscreen on the planet that’s tested and proven to nourish coral.

Introducing Coral Care. The first sunscreen on the planet that’s tested and proven to nourish coral.

What makes Coral Care unique?
Coral Care is the world’s first sunscreen that isn’t just reef-safe, but actively feeds and nourishes coral. This is thanks to research and collaboration with leading cosmetic chemists and marine experts to create a unique formula, containing nutrients used by coral farmers to help coral thrive.
Coral Care has undergone extensive testing at the prestigious University of Derby, a university that excels in marine sciences. During our testing, we discovered Coral Care can boost healthy growth by as high as 21% in some species of coral.
We believe Coral Care is a positive step forward towards turning the tide on coral bleaching.

Skin Safety
As well as providing nourishment for coral, Coral Care also protects and soothes your skin. The non-nano Titanium Dioxide base prevents UVA/ UVB rays from damaging the skin. While a certified organic ingredient blend gives you a refreshing boost of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals.

Coral reefs are crucial for over a quarter of all marine life and beneficial to over a billion people worldwide providing food, income, medicine and coastal protection. However current studies show 90% of coral reefs will become functionally extinct by as soon as 2030 if we don’t start making important lifestyle changes.

Coral reefs are crucial for over a quarter of all marine life and beneficial to over a billion people worldwide providing food, income, medicine and coastal protection. However current studies show 90% of coral reefs will become functionally extinct by as soon as 2030 if we don’t start making important lifestyle changes.

Up to 14,000 tons of sunscreen end up in the world's oceans every year. Oxybenzone, a chemical found in 80% of sunscreens, has been proven to have a lethal effect on sea-life and can kill coral and coral larvae in even the smallest of doses. Not only is it a coral killer, but recent studies have also shown it may also have a much larger negative effect on our skin as it’s being absorbed in much higher doses than skincare experts previously believed. Some studies and researchers have even found traces of it in blood and breast milk samples.

Up to 14,000 tons of sunscreen end up in the world's oceans every year. Oxybenzone, a chemical found in 80% of sunscreens, has been proven to have a lethal effect on sea-life and can kill coral and coral larvae in even the smallest of doses. Not only is it a coral killer, but recent studies have also shown it may also have a much larger negative effect on our skin as it’s being absorbed in much higher doses than skincare experts previously believed. Some studies and researchers have even found traces of it in blood and breast milk samples.

You’ve heard of SPF, introducing RPF
Many brands and sunscreen products out in the world right now claiming to be reef-safe, aren’t, which is causing a lot of damage to the reefs, while also misleading the public about which products are genuinely safe for coral and sea-life. This is why Coral Care carries the new RPF certification. We believe that Reef Protection Factor will be a game-changing marque in marine conservation. Right now, it’s just on our Coral Care product range, but in the future, we hope other brands will use this certification as proof of their intentions toward coral safety and regeneration.